##acl Project/AdminGroup:admin,read,write,delete,revert Project/ReadWriteGroup:read,write Project/ReadGroup:read ##master-page:Unknown-Page ##master-date:Unknown-Date #format wiki #language en [[https://www.bvdm-online.de|German Printing and Media Industries Federation]], Berlin (BVDM) More technical detail you can find in document published in [[https://www.bvdm-online.de/fileadmin/tundf/bvdm_Mediastandard_Print_2016.pdf|Media Standard Print document]]. This free to download document describe more information related to ISO standards in Graphic Industry We don't go deep in detail, we just sumarize some important point in this document. == Printing sequences == We allways print from darkest to lightest color, our printing sequences is KCMY according [[https://www.iso.org/standard/57833.html|ISO 12647-2:2013.]] == Ink thicknes == It's common in conversation that we use word Density to describe ink thicknes on printed sheet. It's wrong but in we ususaly use word higher density do describe higher ink layer thicknes or lowe density to describe lower ink thickness. In solid tone colorimetric value of process CMYK ink on Coated paper according ISO 12647-2 is ||||||||'''Colorimetric value in solid tone white backing''' || ||INK ||L* ||a* ||b* || ||Black ||16 ||0 ||0 || ||Cyan ||56 ||-35 ||-53 || ||Magenta ||48 ||75 ||-5 || ||Yellow ||89 ||-4 ||92 || In solid tone colorimetric value of process CMYK ink on Unoated paper according ISO 12647-2 is ||||||||'''Colorimetric value in solid tone white backing''' || ||INK ||L* ||a* ||b* || ||Black ||31 ||1 ||1 || ||Cyan ||60 ||-26 ||-44 || ||Magenta ||56 ||61 ||-1 || ||Yellow ||89 ||-4 ||78 || == Tolerances == This value is for ideal (imaginary ink) which in real life does not exist. Ink manufacturer try hard to achieve this value. In simply language this is median value of all inks in the market. It's good to know that there is allways tolerances what we can achive. In solid tone colorimetric value of process CMYK ink on Coated paper according ISO 12647-2 is ||||||||'''Colorimetric value in solid tone white backing''' || ||INK ||dE || ||Black ||5 || ||Cyan ||5 || ||Magenta ||5 || ||Yellow ||5 || During print run there is also variation on printed sheet because procustion print fluctiation Tolerances according ISO 12647-2 during print Run are ||INK ||dE || ||Black ||4 || ||Cyan ||4 || ||Magenta ||4 || ||Yellow ||5 || Dot value TVI and tolerances ||||||||'''TVI Curves''' || ||Nominal ||TVI ||Dot ||Tolerancija -+|| ||0 ||0.0 ||0.0 ||3 || ||5 ||3.3 ||8.3 ||3 || ||10 ||6.1 ||16.1 ||3 || ||15 ||8.5 ||23.5 ||3 || ||20 ||10.5 ||30.5 ||3 || ||25 ||12.2 ||37.2 ||3 || ||30 ||13.5 ||43.5 ||4 || ||35 ||14.6 ||49.6 ||4 || ||40 ||15.3 ||55.3 ||4 || ||45 ||15.8 ||60.8 ||4 || ||50 ||16.0 ||66.0 ||4 || ||55 ||15.9 ||70.9 ||4 || ||60 ||15.6 ||75.6 ||4 || ||65 ||14.9 ||79.9 ||3 || ||70 ||14.0 ||84.0 ||3 || ||75 ||12.7 ||87.7 ||3 || ||80 ||11.0 ||91.0 ||3 || ||85 ||9.0 ||94.0 ||3 || ||90 ||6.5 ||96.5 ||3 || ||95 ||3.5 ||98.5 ||3 || ||100 ||0.0 ||100.0 ||3 ||